Source code for jfscripts.image_into_pdf

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import os
import re
import tempfile
from typing import Literal

from jfscripts import __version__
from jfscripts.utils import FilePath, Run, check_dependencies

run = Run()

dependencies = ("pdfinfo", "pdftk", "convert")

tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

[docs] def do_pdftk_cat_first_page(pdf_file: str) -> str: """The cmd_args magick identify is very slow on page pages hence it examines every page. We extract the first page to get some informations about the dimensions of the PDF file.""" output_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "identify.pdf") cmd_args = ["pdftk", str(pdf_file), "cat", "1", "output", output_file] return output_file
[docs] def do_magick_identify_dimensions(pdf_file: str): """""" def to_int(number: str) -> int: return int(round(float(number))) cmd_args = ["identify", "-format", "w: %w h: %h x: %x y: %y\n", str(pdf_file)] output = run.check_output(cmd_args, encoding="utf-8") dimensions ="w: ([\d.]*) h: ([\d.]*) x: ([\d.]*) y: ([\d.]*)", output) return { "width": to_int(, "height": to_int(, "x": to_int(, "y": to_int(, }
[docs] def get_pdf_info(pdf_file: str): output = run.check_output(["pdfinfo", str(pdf_file)]) output = output.decode("utf-8") # Page size: 522.249 x 644.573 pts dimension ="Page size:\s*([0-9.]*) x ([0-9.]*)\s*pts", output) page_count ="Pages:\s*([0-9]*)", output) return { "width":, "height":, "page_count": int(, }
[docs] def convert_image_to_pdf_page(image, image_width, pdf_width, pdf_density_x): print( "image_width {} pdf_width {} pdf_density_x {}".format( image_width, pdf_width, pdf_density_x ) ) # pdf_density_x x # ------------- = ----------- # pdf_width image_width # x = pdf_density_x / pdf_width * image_width # image_width: 1024 # pdf_width: 542 # pdf_density_x: 72 # 72 / 542 * 1024 = 136,0295 density = pdf_density_x / pdf_width * image_width message = ( "Generate from the image file “{}” a temporary pdf file with " "the density of “{}”" ) print(message.format(image, density)) tmp_pdf = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "tmp.pdf") # '-compress', 'JPEG', # '-quality', '8', cmd_args = [ "convert", str(image), "-units", "PixelsPerInch", "-density", str(int(density)), tmp_pdf, ] return FilePath(tmp_pdf)
[docs] def assemble_pdf( main_pdf: str, insert_pdf: str, page_count: int, page_number: int, mode: Literal["add", "replace"] = "add", position: Literal["before", "after"] = "before", ): """ :param main_pdf: Path of the main PDF file. :param insert_pdf: Path of the PDF file to insert into the main PDF file. :param page_count: Page count of the main PDF file. :param page_number: Page number in the main PDF file to add / to replace the insert PDF file. :param mode: Mode how the PDF to insert is treated. Possible choices are: `add` or `replace`. :param str position: Possible choices: `before` and `after` """ # pdftk A=book.pdf B=image.pdf cat A1-12 B3 A14-end output out.pdf # add after page 12 # A1-12 B1 A13-end # add before page 12 # A1-11 B1 A12-end # replace page 12 # A1-11 B1 A13-end # page_insert_begin: Page before the insert # page_insert_end: Page after the insert page_insert_begin = page_number - 1 # add before page 12 # A1-11 B1 A12-end if position == "after": page_insert_begin = page_number page_insert_end = page_insert_begin + 1 # A1-12 B1 A14-end if mode == "replace": page_insert_end += 1 if mode == "add" and page_number == 1 and position == "before": cmd_args = [str(insert_pdf), str(main_pdf), "cat"] elif mode == "add" and page_number == page_count and position == "after": cmd_args = [str(main_pdf), str(insert_pdf), "cat"] else: cmd_args = ["A={}".format(main_pdf), "B={}".format(insert_pdf), "cat"] if page_number > 1: pre_insert = "A1" if page_insert_begin >= 2: pre_insert += "-{}".format(page_insert_begin) cmd_args.append(pre_insert) cmd_args.append("B1") if page_insert_end == page_count: cmd_args.append("A{}".format(page_insert_end)) elif page_insert_end < page_count: cmd_args.append("A{}-end".format(page_insert_end)) joined_pdf ="_joined") cmd_args = ["pdftk"] + cmd_args + ["output", str(joined_pdf)] return joined_pdf
[docs] def get_parser(): """The argument parser for the cmd_args line interface. :return: A ArgumentParser object. :rtype: argparse.ArgumentParser """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Add or replace one page in a PDF file with an image " "file of the same page size.", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--colorize", action="store_true", help="Colorize the terminal output.", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Make the cmd_args line output more verbose.", ) parser.add_argument( "-V", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s {version}".format(version=__version__), ) subcmd_args = parser.add_subparsers( dest="subcmd_args", help="Subcmd_args", ) subcmd_args.required = True ## # add ## add_parser = subcmd_args.add_parser( "add", aliases=["ad", "a"], description="Add one image to an PDF file.", ) add_group = add_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() add_group.add_argument( "-a", "--after", nargs=1, help="Place image after page X.", ) add_group.add_argument( "-b", "--before", nargs=1, help="Place image before page X.", ) add_group.add_argument( "-f", "--first", action="store_true", help="Place the image to the first position.", ) add_group.add_argument( "-l", "--last", action="store_true", help="Place the image to the last position.", ) add_parser.add_argument( "image", help="A image (or a PDF) file to add to the PDF page.", ) add_parser.add_argument( "pdf", help="The PDF file.", ) ## # convert ## convert_parser = subcmd_args.add_parser( "convert", aliases=["cv", "c"], description="Convert a image file into a PDF file with the same " "dimensions.", ) convert_parser.add_argument( "image", help="The image file to convert to the PDF format.", ) convert_parser.add_argument( "pdf", help="The main PDF file (to get the dimensions).", ) ## # replace ## replace_parser = subcmd_args.add_parser( "replace", aliases=["re", "r"], description="Replace one page in a PDF file with an image (or an PDF) " "file.", ) replace_parser.add_argument( "pdf", help="The main PDF file", ) replace_parser.add_argument( "number", type=int, help="The page number of the PDF page to replace.", ) replace_parser.add_argument( "image", help="A image (or a PDF) file to replace the PDF page with.", ) return parser
[docs] def main(): args = get_parser().parse_args() run.setup(verbose=args.verbose, colorize=args.colorize) check_dependencies(*dependencies) main_pdf = FilePath(args.pdf, absolute=True) image = FilePath(args.image, absolute=True) if hasattr(args, "number"): number = args.number if image.extension == "pdf": insert_pdf = image else: identify_pdf = do_pdftk_cat_first_page(main_pdf) pdf_dimensions = do_magick_identify_dimensions(identify_pdf) image_dimensions = do_magick_identify_dimensions(image) insert_pdf = convert_image_to_pdf_page( image, image_dimensions["width"], pdf_dimensions["width"], pdf_dimensions["x"], ) info = get_pdf_info(main_pdf) if args.subcmd_args in ["add", "ad", "a"]: if args.after: number = int(args.after[0]) position = "after" elif args.before: number = int(args.before[0]) position = "before" elif args.first: number = 1 position = "before" elif args.last: number = info["page_count"] position = "after" else: number = info["page_count"] position = "after" joined_pdf = assemble_pdf( main_pdf, insert_pdf, info["page_count"], number, mode="add", position=position, ) message = ( "Successfully added the image “{}{} page {} of the PDF " "file “{}”. Result: “{}”" ) print(message.format(image, position, number, main_pdf, joined_pdf)) elif args.subcmd_args in ["convert", "cv", "c"]: if image.extension == "pdf": raise ("Specify an image file, not a PDF file.") result_pdf ="_insert") os.rename(str(insert_pdf), str(result_pdf)) message = ( "Successfully converted the image “{}” to the PDF file " "“{}” using the dimensions of the PDF “{}”." ) print(message.format(image, result_pdf, main_pdf)) elif args.subcmd_args in ["replace", "re", "r"]: joined_pdf = assemble_pdf( main_pdf, insert_pdf, info["page_count"], args.number, mode="replace" ) message = ( "Successfully replaced page {} of the PDF file “{}” with " "the image “{}”. Result: “{}”" ) print(message.format(number, main_pdf, image, joined_pdf))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()