Source code for jfscripts._utils

import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from termcolor import colored

[docs]class Run(object): PIPE = subprocess.PIPE def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.setup(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def setup(self, verbose=False, colorize=False): self.verbose = verbose self.colorize = colorize
[docs] def _print_cmd(self, cmd): if self.colorize: output = [] for arg in cmd: if arg.startswith('--'): output.append(colored(arg, color='yellow')) elif arg.startswith('-'): output.append(colored(arg, color='blue')) elif os.path.exists(arg): output.append(colored(arg, color='white', on_color='on_cyan')) else: output.append(arg) print(' '.join(output)) else: print(' '.join(cmd))
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :return: A `CompletedProcess` object. :rtype: subprocess.CompletedProcess """ if self.verbose: self._print_cmd(args[0]) return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_output(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.verbose: self._print_cmd(args[0]) return subprocess.check_output(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def check_dependencies(*executables, raise_error=True): """Check if the given executables are existing in $PATH. :param tuple executables: A tuple of executables to check for their existence in $PATH. Each element of the tuple can be either a string (e. g. `pdfimages`) or a itself a tuple `('pdfimages', 'poppler')`. The first entry of this tuple is the name of the executable the second entry is a description text which is displayed in the raised exception. :param bool raise_error: Raise an error if an executable doesn’t exist. :return: True or False. True if all executables exist. False if one or more executables not exist. :rtype: bool """ errors = [] for executable in executables: if isinstance(executable, tuple): if not shutil.which(executable[0]): errors.append('{} ({})'.format(executable[0], executable[1])) else: if not shutil.which(executable): errors.append(executable) if errors: if raise_error: raise SystemError('Some commands are not installed: ' + ', '.join(errors)) else: return False else: return True
[docs]class FilePath(object): def __init__(self, path, absolute=False): self.absolute = absolute """Boolean, indicates wheter the path is an absolute path or an relative path.""" if self.absolute: self.path = os.path.abspath(path) """The absolute (`/home/document/file.ext`) or the relative path (`document/file.ext`) of the file.""" else: self.path = os.path.relpath(path) self.filename = os.path.basename(path) """The filename is the combination of the basename and the extension, e. g. `file.ext`.""" self.extension = os.path.splitext(self.path)[1][1:] """The extension of the file, e. g. `ext`.""" self.basename = self.filename[:-len(self.extension) - 1] """The basename of the file, e. g. `file`.""" self.base = self.path[:-len(self.extension) - 1] """The path without an extension, e. g. `/home/document/file`.""" def __str__(self): return self.path def __eq__(self, other): return self.path == other.path
[docs] def _export(self, path): return FilePath(path, self.absolute)
[docs] def new(self, extension=None, append='', del_substring=''): """ :param str extension: The extension of the new file path. :param str append: String to append on the basename. This string is located before the extension. :param str del_substring: String to delete from the new file path. :return: A new file path object. :rtype: FilePath """ if not extension: extension = self.extension new = '{}{}.{}'.format(self.base, append, extension) if del_substring: new = new.replace(del_substring, '') return self._export(new)
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove the file.""" os.remove(self.path)
[docs]def argparser_to_readme(argparser, template='', destination='', indentation=0, placeholder='{{ argparse }}'): """Add the formatted help output of a command line utility using the Python module `argparse` to a README file. Make sure to set the name of the program (`prop`) or you get strange program names. :param object argparser: The argparse parser object. :param str template: The path of a template text file containing the placeholder. Default: `` :param str destination: The path of the destination file. Default: `` :param int indentation: Indent the formatted help output by X spaces. Default: 0 :param str placeholder: Placeholder string that gets replaced by the formatted help output. Default: `{{ argparse }}` """ help_string = argparser().format_help() if indentation > 0: indent_lines = [] lines = help_string.split('\n') for line in lines: indent_lines.append(' ' * indentation + line) help_string = '\n'.join(indent_lines) with open(template, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as template_file: template_string = readme = template_string.replace(placeholder, help_string) readme_file = open(destination, 'w') readme_file.write(readme) readme_file.close()